Bo-Find – Lethbridge High School, Alberta

The Lethbridge High School iGEM team, who aim to address world and local sustainability issues through STEM technologies, introduce Bo-Find, a rapid detection device for bovine respiratory disease. Our project emphasizes the responsible consumption and production of food, aiming for ethical production and environmental sustainability. Unfortunately, due to our current agricultural system, animal disease can spread rapidly through feedlots. Bovine respiratory diseases are a growing concern for farmers and policy-makers. Our project, Bo-Find, offers a cost-effective, easy-to-use solution for early bovine respiratory disease detection, reducing the need for antibiotics, preventing the spread of disease itself, as well as limiting the spread of antibiotic resistance genes to the environment. Our product will be used by veterinarians, government researchers, and farmers at the point-of-care. We envision our product to be made with environmentally safe and renewable materials.

Team Grade Level: Grade 10 – 12
Team Experience Level: Beginner
STEM Focus: Synthetic Biology
UN Sustainability Focus: Agriculture