Tech Trade Trio – Rundle College, Calgary, AB

App that allows individuals to trade/sell/donate old tech as a way to reduce tech waste.

Ever had old technology that you had no idea to do with so you threw it out? Well you just contributed to the fifty million tons of global e-waste and threw out rare minerals and resources with it. But if you want to save the environment and help get those minerals to good use we have the solution for you. The new and innovative app called Tech Trade will allow users to buy, sell and trade any used electronics or parts. We can also implement a system for local waste pickup which will be sorted into parts, repairable tech and waste which can be donated or resold. The goal of the project is to limit the amount of electronic waste in the environment while also helping people get used technology cheap and fast while the seller is happy and helping the community.

Team Grade Level: Grade 7
Team Experience Level: Begineer
STEM Focus: Coding
UN Sustainability Focus: Responsible Consumption & Production
Climate Action